Sawyeddollah's Blog

Writing about Rohingya's concern, feeling, suffering, messages, and documenting the life.


Sawyeddollah, speaking out for the rights and justice for his community, Rohingya, everyday in a different way.

The Rohingya people have been subject to violence, discrimination, and persecution for decades, but it wasn’t until the crisis in 2017 that the world finally took notice. The crisis started when the Myanmar army launched a brutal crackdown against the Rohingya, a Muslim minority in the country. The result was the displacement of over 700,000 people, who were forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighbouring Bangladesh.

Sawyeddollah, a Rohingya himself, is one of the many voices that have emerged in the aftermath of the crisis. He is a human rights activist and a spokesperson for his people, and his mission is to raise awareness about the situation of the Rohingya and advocate for their rights.

Sawyeddollah’s journey as an activist started when he was just a young boy. He grew up in a Rohingya village in Myanmar, where he witnessed firsthand the discrimination and marginalization that his community faced. Despite this, he was determined to get an education and make a difference in his community.

In 2017, when the crisis erupted, Sawyeddollah was one of the many Rohingya who were forced to flee their homes. He and his family managed to escape to Bangladesh, but they left behind everything they owned. The experience left a profound impact on Sawyeddollah, and he decided to dedicate his life to speaking out for his people.

Since then, Sawyeddollah has been working tirelessly to raise awareness about the situation of the Rohingya. He has been speaking at international conferences and events, sharing his story and the stories of other Rohingya refugees. He has also been working with other human rights organizations to advocate for the rights of the Rohingya and put pressure on the Myanmar government to stop the violence and discrimination against his people.

Sawyeddollah’s work is crucial, as the situation of the Rohingya remains dire. The refugees in Bangladesh are living in overcrowded camps, with limited access to basic necessities like food, water, and healthcare. Meanwhile, the Myanmar government has shown little willingness to address the root causes of the crisis or provide a pathway for the safe return of the refugees to their homes.

As Sawyeddollah continues his work, he remains hopeful that change is possible. He believes that by speaking out and raising awareness, he can make a difference in the lives of his people. His message to the world is clear: the Rohingya are a people deserving of dignity and respect, and their rights must be protected.

Many writings and stories of Sawyeddollah are published on different publication platforms such as Frontier Myanmar, Committee to protect journalists, CIVUS, and so on. He is also quoted on different national and international media such as the Washington post, AP News, Al Jazeera, including Amnesty International, HRW, and so on. He have organized many events and he also attended different events in national and international level.

All about his writings, stories, quotations, and events are categorized below with details;

About the blog

Sawyeddollah is writing about concerns, feelings, sufferings, needs, and messages of Rohingya people and documenting the life. Don’t forget to follow him on:


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